Hotel Serawa Alicante

Hotel Serawa Alicante

Calle San Fernando 16, Alicante, Alicante, 03002

Hotel Serawa Alicante has a modern, Scandinavian look where light has been cleverly used. The hotel is quiet and centrally located near the port of Alicante and Playa del Postiguet in the city center. At the reception you can get local snacks.

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Main amenities

    21 rooms
    Free WIFI
    Airport shuttle
    Breakfast available
    Paid parking

Distance to

    Port of Alicante - 3 min.
    Mercado Central - 8 min.
    Castle of Santa Barbara - 14 min.
    Arena van Alicante - 12 min.
    City Hall Alicante - 2 min.
    Playa de Arenales - 12,1 km
    Playa del Postiguet - 4 min.
    Airport: 15 km.

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