Hotel Primus Valencia

Hotel Primus Valencia

Calle Menorca 22, Valencia, Valencia, 46023

Those wishing to combine a city trip to Valencia with a relaxing beach vacation should choose the Hotel Prima Valencia. This 4-star hotel is located near the beach and not far from the Aquarium l'Oceanogràfic. Be sure to visit the hotel's equipped spa and swimming pool.

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Main amenities

    262 rooms
    Outdoor pool
    1 restaurant & bar
    Breakfast available
    Paid parking
    Free WIFI
    Airport Shuttle

Distance to

    Ciudad d/l Artes & Ciencias - 6 min.
    Playa de la Malvarrosa - 28 min.
    Haven van Valencia - 28 min.
    Estadio Mestalla - 34 min.
    Plaza de la Reina - 43 min.
    Centro Comercial Aqua - 3 min.
    Aquarium l'Oceanogràfic - 12 min.
    Airport: 14 km.

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