One Shot Mercat 09 Hotel

One Shot Mercat 09 Hotel

Calle Músic Peydró, 9, Valencia, 46001

In the center of Valencia you will find One Shot Mercat 09 Hotel. A small hotel with outdoor pool, its own restaurant and rooftop terrace. Central Market, Plaza Ayuntamiento and the University of Valéncia are located nearby.

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Main amenities

    22 rooms
    Outdoor pool
    1 restaurant & bar
    Breakfast available
    Laundry Service
    Free WIFI

Distance to

    Plaza de la Reina - 5 min.
    Plaza de la Virgen - 8 min.
    Ciudad d/l Artes & Ciencias - 32 min.
    Estadio Mestalla - 25 min.
    Central Market - 4 min.
    Bioparc Valencia - 41 min.
    Catedral de Valencia - 7 min.
    Airport: 10 km.

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